Rheem Vs Ao Smith

According to the study made by Statista Research Department in 2021, Rheem and AO Smith combined accounted for more than 70% of residential heater sales. They are the two most popular water heater brands in the US. This makes a lot of customers wonder about the Rheem vs AO Smith company comparison – especially if they’re in

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Is Tankless Water Heater Worth It?

Is tankless water heater worth it? So many homeowners literally rave about tankless (also known as on-demand) water heaters. The term here is pretty much self-explanatory – a tankless water heater provides warm/hot water whenever you call for it (when turning on a faucet, switching on the dishwasher, and so on) with electric coils and

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Water Heater Keeps Turning Off

Most people have found themselves in the shower waiting for the hot water to come but without any luck. This is hugely frustrating, especially if you’ve just come back from a tiresome trip and want to shower. Luckily, most of these issues can be solved by yourself. There’s no need to call the plumber and

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Can Water Heater Explode

Can water heater explode without any warning signs? This seems like a freaking crazy scenario, but you should be careful about this. We’ll also mention the warning signs of this catastrophe and what you can do to prevent it from happening. Everyone needs a water heater in their home. No matter if you have a

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