My Shower Is Leaking Through the Floor

There is nothing worse than water damage. It can cause significant harm to your property structure, and repairs can be rather costly. Likely nothing is more infuriating than walking into your bathroom and noticing, “My shower is leaking through the floor!”.

Leaking showers are some of the top culprits when it comes to water damage. They hold a large amount of water and most people use them daily. As such, even one shower leak can cause a huge amount of damage. [1]

Another common cause of such a high damage rate is because we have to wait until plumbers arrive and fix the leak. Whether you have a leaking shower through wall or you notice your faucet is dripping, waiting for a professional can only cause the damage to pile up – especially if the leak happened during the weekend or holiday season.

If you’re here because you’re wondering “My shower is leaking through the floor – what do I do?”, you’re in the right place. Stop worrying – we’ve got you covered.

My Shower Is Leaking through the Floor – Possible Causes


“My shower is leaking through the floor” is a common thing plumbers hear when they get a call. However, not many people will tell you that there are a few things you can do to either fix the leak or to keep everything under control until help arrives.

To do so, however, you’ll first need to determine the exact causes of the leak. This will help you understand the further steps that need to be taken.

Overall, there are six reasons why your shower might be leaking. These include:

  • Broken tub.
  • Leaking water pipe.
  • Damaged bathroom tile.
  • Faulty faucet.
  • Clogged drain.
  • Leaking drain gasket.
  • Broken glass door.

We’ll explain how you can see which one is the culprit.

Broken Tub

Broken tub is one of the most common reasons why you might be having a shower leaking through the floor. This is a direct opening through which the water can run and leak through the floor and to the ceiling underneath.

Fortunately, most of these cracks can easily be noticed just by looking at your tub. No matter how minor they might seem, all of them can cause the water to leak and result in water damage later on.

Leaking Water Pipe

The leading cause of shower leaks, no matter the location, are faulty or broken water pipes. This can be a huge issue as a leaky pipe can go unnoticed for months, and the damage it causes can be rather significant.

To determine whether this is the cause of the issue, try to take a look at the water valve located behind the walls. You might need to remove a tile or two to see this, but most showers already have a system that can help you reach it without a hassle.

Are the pipes connecting the shower valve to the rest of the plumbing damaged, or is there water dripping from the pipes? If the answer is affirmative, then you’ve likely got your answer. Most homes use copper pipes, and these don’t last forever. As such, breakages are more common than you’d think.

Unfortunately, reaching and fixing a broken pipe is usually impossible for someone who isn’t a professional. The leak might be deep inside your wall. In fact, this is a good moment to inspect your tiles and make sure you don’t have a shower leaking behind wall at the same time. If you do, then the issue is far greater than you’ve initially supposed. Call a plumber immediately.

Damaged Bathroom Tile

When you think “My shower is leaking through the floor!”, don’t immediately assume the worse. Sometimes the culprit is much simpler than you’d think.

If you see your shower leaking through tiles, the tiles themselves might be an issue. Not many people know, but bathroom tiles aren’t just decorative. They also keep the shower water from going into the walls and leaking.

If the tiles break or become lose, this can cause the water from the bathroom to leak inside the floor and to the ceiling below. The floor has lost its first line of defense, and the water is now able to get underneath the shower.

Another cause of this might be the worn-out grout or an old substrate.

Faulty Faucet

Whether we’re talking about shower faucets or outdoor faucets, these can break. As they have a shorter lifespan than most of the plumbing, you’ve likely had an issue with a faulty shower faucet at least once by now.

A single dripping faucet can waste more than 3,000 gallons of water per year! [2]

If you’re not good with gallons, this is the amount of water that an average person would spend on 180 showers. Now imagine how much is this in utility bills!

Other than noticeable dripping, some signs of a faulty faucet include leaking shower through wall and floor. If you’ve noticed both, it’s time to buy a new faucet!

Clogged Drain

Another quite common cause of water damage going through the floor is a clogged drain. From hair to debris, many things can clog the drain. Even using too much soap and shampoo can prevent the water from leaking to the pipes.

If the water cannot go through the drain, it might overflow the tub. This will cause the leak through the floor and to the ceiling bellow, causing brown spots. Not just that, but the water has to find some place to leak. Even the tiniest hole in the tiles or the shower itself can cause it to leak underneath the shower.

Leaking Drain Gasket

Underneath the shower is a drain gasket. This is a ring made out rubber, usually in black color, that keeps the water from leaking around the hole and to the floor.

Over time, this rubber can get damaged. Whether it’s cracked or dried out, once it becomes worn out, the gasket will stop doing its function. This can be the culprit behind a leaky shower.

Broken Glass Door

Not all causes are challenging or require a plumber’s help. If you have a fairly shallow shower tub with doors, you might have a glass shower door leaking at bottom. This is one of these culprits that is so obvious you’ve probably never even thought about it!

When you notice that “My shower is leaking through the floor”, the first thing you should do is check your glass door. These doors keep the water inside the tub. When they are noticeably broken, they’ll cause water from the shower to splash everywhere. This is something you cannot miss.

However, if you only have a minor leak near the floor, you might not notice it for months or even an entire year! Throughout this time, the broken door have been allowing the water to seep out of the shower and through your floor.

My Shower Is Leaking Through the Floor – How Do I Fix It?


There are several methods to keep the shower from leaking through the floor. As mentioned before, it all depends on the cause of the leak. While most fixes will require you to call a plumber, if anything, you can make sure the damage is kept under control.

Here are some things you can do:

If You Have a Broken Tub

To fix a broken tub, you need to know how to seal a leaking shower floor. The best way to do this is to get a water-resistant silicone caulking. Use it to seal any crack you might notice and this will keep the water from running through the floor.

Just keep in mind that this is only a temporary fix. Silicone caulking has its lifespan and it’s nowhere near as durable as a shower floor. Unfortunately, getting a new shower or a bathtub is the only way you can make sure the leaks stop permanently.

If You Have a Leaky Pipe

Unfortunately, there is little you can do if you have a broken pipe. While there are some temporary solutions that can keep the damage from expanding, the only permanent option is to call a plumber who will replace the pipe altogether.

Leaky pipes are a dangerous thing. They can cause damage such as:

  • Wood rot
  • Floorboard warping
  • Mold and mildew growth
  • Wallpaper peeling
  • High utility bills
  • Structural property damage

This isn’t a problem you can sleep on and deal with it later. It requires urgent reaction. If you suspect your pipes are broken, call a plumber immediately.

Damaged Bathroom Tile

If the damage to your tiling is minimal, you can most likely deal with it on your own. What you’ll need is:

  • A new tile
  • Tile adhesive
  • Grout
  • Chisel

Remove the broken tile altogether with a chisel. Be careful not to damage surrounding tiles. Then, take a new tile and place it in its spot. Make sure it fits before you glue it down with an adhesive. Once you are done, use a grout to fill the space between the tiles, and you’re done.

If there is damage to more than one tile, repeat the process. Make sure that the substrate underneath them is in good condition. If it’s damaged or rotten, you might need to call a professional who will replace all of your tiling.

If You Have a Faulty Faucet

If your shower is leaking from the faucet, your best option would be to replace it altogether. Simply take the faucet off and bring it to a hardware store. Professionals working there will help you find a good replacement.

Sometimes, only one part of the faucet is broken and causing the leak. If this is the case, you might be able to fix everything just be replacing that one part. Make sure you inspect everything and see if there are any cracks or tears on the handle, O-rings, or other important parts. You might even take off the faucet and ask the people from hardware store to inspect it for you. Not all will be willing to help, but if you’re lucky you’ll end up spending less money than if you were to replace an entire faucet.

If You Have a Clogged Drain

When you have a clogged drain, your best option is to try and unclog it on your own. You can try using solutions such as:

  • A vinegar and baking soda solution.
  • A pot of boiling water.
  • Detergent and boiling water.

You can also try to remove a clog with hand. Many times, human hair is the culprit, and this can easily be fixed just by removing the hairs. You might even us a drain snake. If nothing else works, use a chemical solution.

If You Have a Leaky Drain Gasket

There is no fixing a worn-out drain gasket. Once it’s teared – it’s teared, and there’s nothing you can do to repair the damage.

Simply remove the drain gasket from its place. You’ll probably need to remove the drain beforehand. Then, find the same one at the hardware store and use it to replace the old one. Return the drain and make sure everything is properly sealed. This should be enough to stop the leaks.

If You Have a Leaking Shower Door

If you have a leaking shower door, there is no reason to call a plumber. Most of the time, you can fix this issue on your own. The reason why the water is leaking is because the door doesn’t have a strong enough seal to prevent the water from going outside.

Here is what you can do to salvage the situation:

  • Install a fresh bathroom door seal.
  • Check whether the door tracks need to be replaced or cleaned.
  • Look at the caulking and check for the holes and cracks.

Read Next: How To Clean Hardwood Floors 

Bottom Line

“My shower is leaking through the floor” – now you know what’s causing this and how you can tackle with the issue. Having a leak is not good, no matter where it occurs, and you need to deal with it ASAP.

Fortunately, there are some things you can do on your own. This will not just prevent the damage from spreading, but it might keep you from calling a plumber to help. This will help you save hundreds of dollars.

Just remember that the safest option always is to let a professional plumber handle the repair. These people were trained to fix plumbing issues and they’ll know how to make sure the damage is dealt with for good. If you don’t know what you’re doing, you might end up causing more harm than good.

Still, we hope this article gave you an idea what might be causing shower leaks and whether or not it’s worth trying to save things on your own.